
La Meuse à vélo from Neufchâteau to Vaucouleurs The Meuse cycle route

Canals & intimate rivers
39,37 Km
2 h 15 min
I cycle often

39,37 km cycling route from Neufchâteau to Vaucouleurs

En route for Joan of Arc's home region! You'll be discovering Domremy-la-Pucelle, the home village of this young girl destined for great things. Two must-see sites: the basilica of Saint Jeanne d’Arc, with an outstanding view over the meandering river Meuse, and her home, located in the centre of the village where you can discover the Middle Ages at first hand. Finally, your journey will take you to Vaucouleurs, the town which gave arms to Joan and where her saga began. While here, you can also discover the fascinating museum dedicated to her.

Elevation of the stage

148 m 120 m

Waytypes of the stage

By road: 39,37 km

Surface of the stage

Lisse: 39,37 km

The route

Heading towards the districts of Frebécourt and Coussey, part of the itinerary runs along white routes. The rest of this stage is asphalt surface shared with vehicular traffic (low traffic levels). Only one major uphill section: the uphill journey to the Bois Chenu Basilica, as you travel towards the district of Domremy-la-Pucelle.

Key Sites

- Joan of Arc's birthplace

- Bois Chenu basilica

- Porte de France

- Castle chapel

Accommodation on the stage

Travellers’ reviews

on La Meuse à vélo from Neufchâteau to Vaucouleurs
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Cycle path
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European route (EuroVelo)
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Cycling circuit
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