Nature & small heritage
31,38 Km
2 h 30 min
I cycle a lot

31,38 km cycling route from Trie-sur-Baïse to Lannemezan

Located between the historic regions of Gascony and the Bigorre, with the hills of the département (French county) of Gers to the north and the Pyrenees to the south, Trie-sur-Baïse is an historic bastide town built on the banks of the Baïse River and surrounded by fertile agricultural lands. Formerly the venue for the largest piglet market in France, its Fête du Cochon, or Pig Festival, known as La Pourcailhade, continues to draw much attention. Leaving Trie-sur-Baïse by bike, in the distance, on clear days, you should already be able to spot snow-capped summits in the Pyrenean Range, the largest mountain being the Pic du Midi de Bigorre. The cycle route takes you along the D39 road up to Bonnefont before you leave the course of the Baïse River to ride up to La Hitte. There follows a vertiginous descent, then another climb to Galan, the village where the Vallée de la Baïse à Vélo connects with the V81 cycle route. Up to Lannemezan, you ride along beautiful hilly roads through forests and pretty villages. On clear days, the views of the Pyrenees provide a wonderful final reward for this cycling trip leading you so far south from the Canal de Garonne by bike in just a few days.

Elevation of the stage

141 m 504 m

Waytypes of the stage

By road: 31,38 km

Surface of the stage

Lisse: 31,38 km

The Route

This stage is mainly along county roads and involves significant slopes. Some of the climbs last for several kilometres, while there are also long descents along which you need to take care.

Leaving Galan, along the D939 road, keep a look out for the left turn onto the D10 road to Clarens. 
Arriving at Lannemezan, you may need to be patient and certainly need to be careful crossing the D817 road, often busy with traffic.

There’s a non-signposted link to Puydarrieux Lake and its bird reserve, a Natura 2000 site. In Tournous-Darré, turn left towards the church and the Mairie on the Route de Tournon, heading in the direction of Puydarrieux.

Connection with the Véloroute V81 cycle route
A bit before Galan, just after the bridge over the Baïsole River, it’s possible to turn right via the Rue des Bourgalats in the direction of Montastruc onto the D28 to cycle as far as the town of Tarbes via la Véloroute V81 cycle route.

Practical information

SNCF train stations

  • Gare de Lannemezan

Don't miss 

  • Trie-sur-Baïse: Église des Carmes (a Carmelite church); Monastère des Carmes (a Carmelite monastery); Église Notre-Dame des Neiges (another fine church, the snows in its name referring to a medieval legend about its founding); covered market and central square; square tower, former ramparts and fortifications; fête du cochon (pig festival), cyclo-cross triais
  • Puydarrieux: the lake and its bird reserve
  • Galan: St-Julien de Brioude Church; covered market; fortified tower-gateway; Fête de la Tourte Pyrénéenne (a festival dedicated to a regional cake)
  • Lannemezan: parc de loisirs de la demi-lune (an outdoor leisure centre)

Accommodation on the stage

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