
Royère de Vassivière / Aubusson The Tour de Creuse by bike

41,47 Km
2 h 45 min
I cycle often
Royère de Vassivière

41,47 km cycling route from Royère de Vassivière to Aubusson

This stage starts at Royère de Vassivière, overlooking Vassivière Lake. The route takes you beside the Lac du Barrage up to Vauveix, passing via Masgrangeas and Broussas Headland. Now you follow the tapestry trail between the towns of Felletin and Aubusson, the latter at the end of the route.

Elevation of the stage

716 m 419 m

Waytypes of the stage

By road: 41,47 km

Surface of the stage

Inconnu: 41,47 km

The route

Taking quiet country roads, this portion follows the tapestry route linking Aubusson to Felletin. This 42km stage, with its 463m of cumulative elevation, is relatively short, presenting few difficulties. All along the way, the cycle route is indicated by green and white signage.

Link to the Corrèze (18km, 233m cumulative elevation)

Consider the 18km link to the northern part of the county of Corrèze from the village of Royère de Vassivière, going via Faux la Montagne.

Don’t miss:

  • Royère de Vassivière: Centre International d’Art et du Paysage, a contemporary art centre on Vassivière Island.
  • Felletin: cradle of French tapestry-making, a town with a rich heritage.
  • Aubusson: with its major new tapestry centre, the Cité Internationale de la Tapisserie, beside the historic centre, this town is part of the association Les Plus Beaux Détours de France.

Accommodation on the stage

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Cycle path
By road
Mountain bike itinerary
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European route (EuroVelo)
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Cycling circuit
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