20,20 km cycling route from Maintenon to Chartres
Elevation of the stage
Waytypes of the stage
Surface of the stage
⚠ Work in progress ⚠
The Veloscenic is currently closed at Saint Prest, Champhol and Lèves, because of work on sewage and water system along the Coulée verte. We suggest to follow a deviation to avoid the area of work: download the map - download the GPS track. This deviation is not signposted.
From September 2nd, the route will be again impacted by work of burying networks. This time, it will be closed from Jouy, in the continuity of the current cut between Saint-Prest and Lèves ; that will lengthen the deviation by 3.5 km.
The route
Take care on the D 18 road south of Maintenon. Then the route meanders along the Eure Valley, taking you past typical old villages. To cross Chartres, leave the ordinary road to follow a greenway from Champhol towards the south side of town. Pay attention, as there's no signposting as yet on the greenway, which makes the route somewhat more complicated along here, notably south of the cathedral.
Railway station
Maintenon et Chartres stations : many Express Rgional Transport (TER) from and to Paris-Montparnasse.
Maintenon : +33 2 37 23 05 04
Chartres : +33 2 37 18 26 26
No to be missed
Maintenon : castle, its park and its unfinished aqueduct.
Chartres : the cathedral - The International Centre of stained glass, +33 2 37 21 65 72 – The Conservatory of Agriculture, +33 2 37 84 15 00 -The fine arts museum, +33 2 37 90 45 80 - The picassiette house – parks and gardens
Link routes and alternatives to this stage
GPX track
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