"Accueil Vélo" camping with hut for cyclists in Jumièges © David Darrault - La Seine à Vélo

« Accueil Vélo » accomodations

Find my « Accueil Vélo »

Accommodation for your cycling trip

More than 6,000 "Accueil Vélo" accommodation offers (campsites, B&Bs, hotels, etc.) to discover around the routes in France!

Map of all accomodations

The Accueil Vélo accommodations provide the following services:


Covered and closed bicycle shelter


1 complete repair kit


Plug for recharging


Be within -5 km of a route


Wash and dry your laundry


Luggage transfer (free or paid)

Find your accomodation during your cycle trip

Accommodation Accueil Vélo on each cycling route

Indre à Vélo - Indre by bike

Indre à Vélo - Indre by bike

144 Accommodation Accueil Vélo
Grande Traversée du Rhône by mountain bike

Grande Traversée du Rhône by mountain bike

31 Accommodation Accueil Vélo
The Vallée du Loir by bike

The Vallée du Loir by bike

73 Accommodation Accueil Vélo
La Vélodyssée, the Atlantic Cycling Route

La Vélodyssée, the Atlantic Cycling Route

465 Accommodation Accueil Vélo
Saint-Jacques by bike

Saint-Jacques by bike

120 Accommodation Accueil Vélo
La Grande Traversée du Volcan à vélo

La Grande Traversée du Volcan à vélo

50 Accommodation Accueil Vélo
Grande Traversée du Jura by bike

Grande Traversée du Jura by bike

61 Accommodation Accueil Vélo
La Seine à Vélo

La Seine à Vélo

119 Accommodation Accueil Vélo

What is the "Accueil Vélo" (Cyclists Welcome) accreditation scheme?

"Accueil Velo" is a national accreditation scheme guaranteeing a high quality of welcome and services for cyclists using French cycle routes