Book your bicycle ticket in SNCF trains
A train ticket for you and your bicycle !
Transporting bicycles on trains
For other details, see our page dedicated to trains & bikes in France.
How to book your bike ticket online?
- Use the train search engine on the website
- Enter your journey
- Expand the search panel to display more criteria
- Select "Add bikes" at bottom left
- Select "1 non folded or disassembled bike"
⚠️TER journeys: do not select "non folded or disassembled bike"
As TER trains do not require to reserve a bike space (with some exceptions during the summer in Brittany and on ViaRhôna), when you reserve a ticket for a TER journey, you must select the "No bike" option.
If your journey includes connections (e.g. 1 TGV with bike space + 1 TER), you must book your tickets separately. Book the train tickets with a paying bike space on one side and the TER on the other.